Church Stretton’s new President receives her chain of office.

President Elect’s Plan for the new Rotary Year 2023-2024

I am very proud to be the first female President of Church Stretton Rotary Club in the year of our 70th Charter celebrations.

Our main priorities for the Club as always are to develop our membership generally and to serve our community, as well as responding to wider global issues as and when we can. As some know, I am a polio survivor who was initially attracted to Rotary through local activities for the End Polio Now world-wide campaign.

I want us to continue to attract more members through family and personal contacts as well as by public events that we Initiate or join in with others. Publicity is very important for this to ensure that we are seen to be people of action, particularly for those in need. This is important both for information going out but also for our image in our modern world. Initial contact to welcome and engage with potential members can range from an invitation to attend social events, meetings with speakers, fundraising activities and more. It goes without saying that new members can bring new ideas, often from their working, volunteering and social lives. We hope that my Presidency may raise more interest from potential female members. Of course, we must also retain existing members, some of whom have long experience as Rotarians and can offer that experience to advise on how new ideas might work. We’re very aware of the demographic of our area, but the number of retired people has a plus-point in that they can bring many skills and experiences while having the time to be active.

Our Club has a long and strong history of serving our community and will continue to do so. We can develop that more by contact with other local groups to share the work involved in fundraising events as well as general help such as given for StrettFest and the Fun Day. As President I hope to maintain contact with Church Stretton Town Council and engage with other groups such as Masons to discuss the possibility of joint action with them.

Our recently revived Club Council will help to facilitate the development and delivery of the Club’s programme of activities in all areas, working ahead of Club meetings to investigate issues and make recommendations on action for the approval of members. Its work will enable us to have fewer Business Meetings. There are plans to enable all members, whatever their circumstances, to participate in decision – making. Team Leaders will now be known as Project Leaders, allowing for flexible team membership according to the needs of projects.

Church Stretton Rotary already has a significant role in and around our town, and that will grow as we move on with new ideas and get our message out very strongly.

Pat Stokes-Smith              June 2023